For companies that are looking to migrate to the cloud, AWS remains their top pick. But now with several other providers in the fray, each of them comes with their own strengths.
A multi-cloud approach is the best way to meet a business’s needs rather than choosing just one IAAS or Infrastructure As A Service. A combination of services from different providers where the workload is shared, offers flexibility, reliability and a range of features to choose from.
Advantages of Multi-cloud computing
Multi-cloud providers are jostling with each other to give customers the best deal. A study conducted in 2019 by Dimensional Research indicated that more than 70% of the businesses are opting for a multi-cloud strategy to better meet their company objectives.
DDoS attacks are minimized
When many computer systems begin attacking your server, website or cloud hosting, then you are under a DDoS attack or a distributed denial of service. Even individual hackers can execute this breach. Now, what if all your resources were only on a single cloud? With a DDoS attack, your entire network goes down. And, according to not just one, but several studies, downtimes cost companies in billions.
Therefore, it is best to employ a multi-cloud computing environment that protects you from losing valuable data.
It can be rather rare to find a single cloud service provider that can meet all your requirements. Varied business units look for different characteristics such as size, upload speeds, etc. It would not be practical to twist your processes to fit them with the providers’ setup. Instead, it would make sense to choose different providers to match each of your process lines.
SPOF or single point of failure events may occur due to hacker attacks or machine errors. If the host system goes down web architects will not even be able to use redundancy to avoid SPOFs. The penultimate form of redundancy is to use multi-cloud computing across various components.
Vendor lock-ins are eliminated
As a fast-growing business, you could easily outgrow your local server. You then go for a bigger cloud service provider and build a new system that compatible with it. Now, there are chances that you would outgrow that as well. In other words, if you were to lock yourself into one vendor, then moving your systems, again and again, is not only time consuming, but expensive too. Instead of putting yourself in a single-vendor lock-in situation, it is most beneficial to opt for multi-cloud computing.
Even if you were to have a giant cloud hosting environment, it is not good enough to accommodate all your business needs. Get a constructive mix of private and public cloud computing so that the organization gets all the flexibility it needs to mold solutions that fit correctly.
Managing Data
Different types of data have to be managed differently – while some sit in the database forever, others are used in computations every day. If data was to be unloaded on to just one cloud, then a time might come when enormous amounts of it will not pass through the single cloud. This data is crucial for your sales funnel and therefore, you must ensure that it is well-guarded. Seek multi-cloud computing environments so that the speed and power of processing is faster than a single cloud.
Reduce your costs and optimize utility when you use multi-cloud computing systems. Check with XCEL Corp to provide you with the right solution.